#LiberalerPaternalismus | “A new paternalism that self-identifies as liberal” by @sms2sms | #LuhCon22 #LiberalPaternalism #VilniusMafia | #NextSociety | MAKING OF

MY CURRENT WRITINGS (August 2022) Anam­ne­sis: #Caputal­ismDiag­no­sis: #Default­ChangeProg­no­sis: #Lib­er­al­Pa­ter­nal­ismTher­a­py: #Com­monism Du ver­stehst nicht, was #Lib­eraler­Pa­ter­nal­is­mus ist?- während ich am schreiben bin… Von Ste­fan M. Sey­del (Trans­lat­ed by deepL.com) 40 years ago, Niklas Luh­mann for­mu­lat­ed in his “sys­tems the­o­ry” what every child of those days could observe: Pol­i­tics argues polit­i­cal­ly. Econ­o­my argues eco­nom­i­cal­ly. Sci­ence argues sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly. … #Lib­eraler­Pa­ter­nal­is­mus | “A new pater­nal­ism that self-iden­ti­fies as lib­er­al” by @sms2sms | #LuhCon22 #Lib­er­al­Pa­ter­nal­ism #Vil­nius­Mafia | #NextSo­ci­ety | MAKING OF weit­er­lesen