

  • thou shalt not kill
  • thou shalt love thy ene­mies
  • thou shalt not ram­ble.

Crit­ics call this paci­fism RADICAL ★ The “Swiss Brothers/Schweizer Brüder” at the time of the Ref­or­ma­tion in Zurich were drowned, burned, behead­ed, in the mildest case expelled for their #Anar­choPaci­fism…. thx 2 Chat­G­PT:

  1. Absolute Paci­fism
  2. Reli­gious Paci­fism
  3. Polit­i­cal Paci­fism
  4. Rev­o­lu­tion­ary Paci­fism
  5. Prag­mat­ic Paci­fism
  6. Fem­i­nist Paci­fism
  7. Eco­log­i­cal Paci­fism
  8. Social Paci­fism
  9. Rel­a­tivis­tic Paci­fism
  10. Mys­ti­cal Paci­fism
  11. Anar­chist Paci­fism
  12. Chris­t­ian Paci­fism
  13. Bud­dhist Paci­fism
  14. Jain­ist Paci­fism
  15. Hin­du Paci­fism
  16. Sikh Paci­fism
  17. Human­ist Paci­fism
  18. Exis­ten­tial­ist Paci­fism
  19. Non­vi­o­lent Paci­fism
  20. Anti-Mil­i­tarist Paci­fism
  21. Region­al Paci­fism
  22. Inter­na­tion­al Paci­fism
  23. Atom­ic Paci­fism
  24. Nuclear Paci­fism
  25. Civ­il Paci­fism
  26. Action Paci­fism
  27. Con­science Paci­fism
  28. Non­re­sis­tant Paci­fism
  29. For­give­ness Paci­fism
  30. Sol­i­dar­i­ty Paci­fism
  31. Diplo­mat­ic Paci­fism
  32. Pre­ven­tion Paci­fism
  33. Con­flict Res­o­lu­tion Paci­fism
  34. Dis­ar­ma­ment Paci­fism
  35. Human­i­tar­i­an Inter­ven­tion Paci­fism
  36. Civ­il Dis­obe­di­ence Paci­fism
  37. Resis­tance Paci­fism
  38. Non-Prof­it Paci­fism
  39. Edu­ca­tion Paci­fism
  40. Medi­a­tion Paci­fism
  41. Devel­op­ment Coop­er­a­tion Paci­fism
  42. Inter­cul­tur­al Paci­fism
  43. Human Rights Paci­fism
  44. Glob­al Jus­tice Paci­fism
  45. Inter­re­li­gious Coop­er­a­tion Paci­fism
  46. Polit­i­cal Activism Paci­fism
  47. Advo­ca­cy Paci­fism
  48. Inter­na­tion­al Rela­tions Paci­fism
  49. Non­vi­o­lent Resis­tance Paci­fism
  50. Peace­build­ing Paci­fism


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