#CulturalDefaultChange #CdC | JvE: “Hello @sms2sms, can I ask you a question?”

Slow­ly: I do not “pub­lish” on my blog. Here I work and am not inter­est­ed in impact. I know how to pub­lish. This is some­thing else. t!h!a!n!k!s

1. Rea­son for this entry: I am cur­rent­ly work­ing on auto­mat­ic trans­la­tion and I am doing a test…
2. Sum­ma­ry ?!?



Hello @sms2sms, can I ask you a question?

JvE: In an Amer­i­can jour­nal of cul­tur­al soci­ol­o­gy, I found the term “Cul­tur­al Default Change” #CdC. It was asso­ci­at­ed with your Twit­ter account. What does this term mean?
sms: (laughs) Does not CdC stand for Cen­ters for Dis­ease Con­trol & Pre­ven­tion?

I do not know...
Well, as a social work­er who sees his work as work on the social, work­ing on lan­guage is an impor­tant tool…

Is that why you devel­op so many neol­o­gisms?
Default Change — or “Cul­tur­al Default Change” — is not a neol­o­gism.

It is three words, which in this com­po­si­tion become a brand for a con­cept?
Why not memes, instead of “brand”? I’m not try­ing to devel­op a prod­uct.

The meme makes a sug­ges­tion about how cul­ture might be observed?
What do you mean when you say cul­ture?

A clus­ter of pat­terns in the con­text of the social?
What do you mean when you say “the social”?

You would say “the social” is a dis­tinc­tion of “bio­log­i­cal” (life), “psy­cho­log­i­cal” (con­scious­ness) and “machine” (“code”).
This was the clas­sic in sys­tems the­o­ries. They were able to describe four autopoi­et­ic sys­tems from the per­spec­tive of peo­ple: #PsySoc­Cyb­Bio. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the sys­tem con­cept was then used infla­tion­ar­i­ly on many oth­er lev­els. The word “sys­tem” was used like an anal­o­gy or a metaphor. A big mess was cre­at­ed.

But the deter­mi­na­tion of the social in the orig­i­nal sense could be made very pre­cise­ly.
Exact­ly. But the prej­u­dice against the tra­di­tion of con­struc­tivism was strong and pre­vent­ed the explo­ration of this pro­pos­al.

What is “the Social”?
What the social is sup­posed to denote is clar­i­fied in two steps.
First, accord­ing to this view, the social is a dis­tinc­tion:

  • Non-Psy­chi­cal #Psy
  • Non-bio­log­i­cal #Bio
  • Not machine #Cyb

For peo­ple who choose “the human being”, the body, the indi­vid­ual as a start­ing point, this notion feels anti-human­is­tic, abstract and “the­o­ret­i­cal”. But it is, con­verse­ly, so clear that every small child imme­di­ate­ly rec­og­nizes it as com­plete­ly self-evi­dent.

How do you explain it to a child?
I stood with my daugh­ter at my father’s open grave and the lit­tle one cried, as I did.
Lat­er I was able to explain to her:

You see, my child: our bod­ies are no dif­fer­ent from the rest of the world. That is why we can put the body back into the earth and the earth will take it up like fall­en leaves from the trees. #Bio

How sad you are that your grand­fa­ther will nev­er again go for a walk with you and how sad I am that I can no longer dis­cuss impor­tant ques­tions with my father, that we can only exchange with each oth­er very awk­ward­ly, only very impre­cise­ly, actu­al­ly not at all. #Psy

No mat­ter how elo­quent­ly Chat­G­PT answers my ques­tions: It is absolute­ly clear that this machine has no feel­ings and nei­ther needs to sleep nor to eat. #Cyb

Because we can see each oth­er, because we can hear each oth­er, because we use all our human sens­es to feel our way through a shared world, a com­mu­nica­tive space is cre­at­ed which informs us. The lan­guage, the fash­ion, the archi­tec­ture — the music that is impor­tant to you — they are all ele­ments of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. #Soc

That is very poet­ic.
And, more­over, much more accu­rate than the start­ing point of: “Man is at the cen­ter of every­thing”. After all, the largest con­tact sur­face of the human being lies in the body’s inte­ri­or, in the lungs, in the intestines… (laughs)

But it enabled the state­ment, “All men are cre­at­ed equal.“
Exact­ly. And those who pray this sen­tence tor­ture Julian Assange and order ammu­ni­tion to the NATO East­ern Front…. In the name of free­dom, equal­i­ty, fra­ter­ni­ty.

Access via sys­tems the­o­ries can pre­vent that?
Of course not. The strongest is the strongest and will pre­vail. That has always been the case. It will always be that way.

Then what is the point of a dif­fer­ent approach?
Because the chal­lenges are chang­ing?

The four indus­tri­al rev­o­lu­tions mech­a­niza­tion, motor­iza­tion, automa­tion, dig­i­tal­iza­tion?
For exam­ple. And the asso­ci­at­ed issues in the use of resources. Yes.

Soci­ol­o­gy, based on the var­i­ous the­o­ries, has been able to make the pro­pos­al of world soci­ety ear­ly…




Zweit­er Titel




Drit­ter Titel




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JvE — Jeanne Van Eiken

Schreiben im Netz seit 1995

Ste­fan M. Sey­del, aka sms, aka sms2sms in «Zürcher Fest­spiel 1901″ (2019, Foto­cre­d­it: Charles Schny­der):  Twit­ter, Wikipedia (Lem­ma), Youtube (aktuell), Sound­cloud, Mastodon, Insta­gram (ges­per­rt), Snapchat, Tik­Tok, Twitch, t.me/WikiDienstag (Nicht in Betrieb) | Exk­lu­siv: speakerbooking.ch/sms2sms

Ste­fan M. Sey­del, born in 1965, is an entre­pre­neur, social work­er and artist. After a pro­fes­sion­al appren­tice­ship as a struc­tur­al drafts­man, he com­plet­ed a bachelor’s degree in social work in St. Gallen and a master’s degree in the same dis­ci­pline with Sil­via Staub-Bernasconi in Berlin. His main­ly self-employed work revolves around the devel­op­ment and real­iza­tion of pilot and impulse projects for renowned clients.

As an artist he has pre­sent­ed exhi­bi­tions and per­for­mances on an inter­na­tion­al lev­el, includ­ing at the Roy­al Acad­e­my of Arts in Lon­don, the Ger­man His­tor­i­cal Muse­um in Berlin or a solo exhi­bi­tion “Kun­st Macht Prob­leme” at the Cryp­ta Cabaret Voltaire, Birth­place of DADA in Zurich. He was award­ed the Migros Jubilée Award in the cat­e­go­ry of knowl­edge trans­fer and has received var­i­ous hon­ors through Web­by Awards for his work with rocketboom.com.

Ste­fan was a jury mem­ber of the Next Idea Prix Ars Elec­tron­i­ca 2010 and was a mem­ber of the school board of the Gym­na­si­um Kloster Dis­en­tis for three years. His knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence in the field of infor­ma­tion and tech­nol­o­gy have also helped him to col­lab­o­rate with Sta­tis­tik Stadt Zürich and Wiki­me­dia Schweiz under WikiDienstag.ch.

His com­mit­ment in the field of vol­un­tary work led him to the pres­i­den­cy of the Inter­na­tion­al Lake Con­stance Club (head of the sci­en­tif­ic sec­tion) or for some oth­er years as vice-pres­i­dent of the P.E.N. Club Liecht­en­stein ini­ti­at­ed by Paul Wat­zlaw­ick. Sey­del has pub­lished two books togeth­er with his part­ner under (( rebell.tv ))), many columns, tech­ni­cal texts and jour­nal­is­tic texts.

He uses his work on social media as microblog­ging. In his blog he process­es his top­ics. Some of them are deep­ened into read­able texts upon request, oth­ers are expand­ed into lec­tures. At Carl Auer Ver­lag in Hei­del­berg, he col­lects “ele­ments of a next cul­tur­al form”. His devel­op­ments in the con­text of socio-spa­tial inter­ven­tion (“work on the social”) make con­crete pro­pos­als in rela­tion to answer­ing the social ques­tion.

After 12 years in Berlin and 6 years in Zurich, how­ev­er, he moved in the sec­ond half of his life from Lake Con­stance towards the source of the Rhine to Dissentis/Mustér and has almost com­plete­ly stopped trav­el­ing. Instead he makes all the more so-called #Feed­logs (Orgiastik). These are work­ing meet­ings on inten­tion­al ques­tions in a lifestream. (so?)

About @sms2sms, aka Stefan M. Seydel/sms ;-)

der workflow (aby warburg, rebell.tv)

Aus Band 2 von: Tina Piazzi & Ste­fan M. Sey­del, Junius-Ver­lag Ham­burg | pdf: Band 1, 2009 | Band 2, 2010

Textsorte: (1) Traum, (2) Blitz, (3) Beken­nt­nis, (4) Memo, (5) Märchen, (6) Dra­ma, (7) Tabu
Arbeits­form: Doku­men­ta­tion, Lis­ten­bil­dung, Work in Progress
Anlass: (…)
TL;DR: (…)
Bildquelle: (…)
URL/Hashtag: (…)